Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fly Problem

These are the hidden issues that may impact the success of the fly and fruit flies service. These are the build up of organic materials in floor drains, floor sinks,drainage channels, slit drain, under grates and side walls.,around beverage machines such as soda dispensers,beer taps ,coffee makers, overripe fruit or vegetables, recycled cans, bottles,dirty garbage containers,storage bins and linen hampers, floor mats,dirty mops, and broom and  organic matter and debris trapped under equipment or other difficult to reach areas.and debris trapped under equipment or other difficult to reach areas.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pest at the office....

We learned today that even pest control companies have pests!  Tim was busy at the office today.  First he killed 10 paper wasp nests that formed in the eaves, and next was onto carpenter ant nest extermination.   Thousands of ants came pouring out.  Good job, Tim!